

Double wattled
DOB: 4/17/2022
Aria Giana x Boris

BonBon is everyone’s friend! She’s not loud and avoids the piggy drama some of her siblings create (ahem, sassy Amelia), but more often than not if I’m working outside BonBon is quietly grazing nearby by. She’s never underfoot but always there and ready to fall in my lap for snuggles the moment I sit down. Physically, she is a bit of gawky teen just like her mom was at her age. But make no mistake: BonBon has the wattles, legs, size, personality, and face to be a stunner when she grows through her awkward teen phase. Don’t let her seemingly longer snout fool you— she’s going to grow into that beautifully just like both of her parents did— you can see their pics below. When she’s grown I expect her to have a perfect medium length snout, making her ideal as a forager and pasture pig. (Slow Farm pigs are bred for long health and foraging functionality above all else— you won’t find flat faces or dangerous breathing problems in our herd!)

BonBon is available as a AKKPS registered Aria Giana line gilt and is perfect for folks looking for foraging ability, pasture thriftiness, attentive mothering, and gentleness to into their Kune breeding programs. She would also excel as a land management partner and farm companion. I expect her to mature around 300 lbs.

BonBon is very bonded with her sister Lily and I would ideally like them to stay together. Please note that we never sell pigs to live solo lives. Kunes are extremely social and need the company of other kunes to stay healthy and content. Potential buyers should already have kunes, plan to purchase at least two from us, or have arrangements with another breeder for additional kunes.

price $700

($1300 for BonBon & Lily together)

Sire: Atta Boy Ralphie


Ralphie was born here to Lentil & Chubs in 2018. He was the largest of his litter and remains our largest boar today, at a fit and active 400lbs. He is also our most mellow boar and loves water in all its forms. If blowing bubbles in one’s water was a sport, Ralphie would have gone pro.

Dam: Ima Pie


We purchased Ima from Relic Run Kunes after falling absolutely with Ima’s mom Puppy back in 2016. Puppy is a Supreme Champion sow out of the USA HERD, and an absolute love of a pig to boot. We were on a waiting list for several years to get Ima, and she was worth it! Ima brings champion bloodlines and good confirmation to our herd. She is long, straight, and even. Plus she has her mom’s incredibly friendly personality. We call Ima our yard pig because while she’s fine with being in a pasture, this social butterfly hates to feel like she’s missing out on anything so we usually leave her out to supervise everything.